
Cooperation is needed to make GigaVaasa logistics a reality


The traditional Logistics Forum organised by VASEK brought together the region’s logistics and freight forwarding operators around a breakfast table on the 19th of January. Tomas Häyry, Mayor of Vaasa and the leader of the GigaVaasa team, opened the event and reminded the audience of the work that has already been done to develop the battery value chain and the work that still lies ahead:

IMG 3452rTomas Häyry and Paul Lorck-Olafsen

The traditional Logistics Forum organised by VASEK brought together the region’s logistics and freight forwarding operators around a breakfast table on the 19th of January. Tomas Häyry, Mayor of Vaasa and the leader of the GigaVaasa team, opened the event and reminded the audience of the work that has already been done to develop the battery value chain and the work that still lies ahead:

“Right from the start, the GigaVaasa team looked at the entire value chain to find out the Vaasa region’s strengths and see the areas in which we could stand out. What sets the GigaVaasa region apart are shorter logistical flows and abundant renewable energy at affordable prices.

“We have drawn up a plan for an area of 350 hectares for the chemical industry. The roads built there are now finished, so if you are curious you can head there for a weekend drive. A planning reserve has recently been granted for a substation in the area, and around EUR 20 million will be spent this year on road links, water and other infrastructure. We need to be ready when construction starts in 2024, and the logistics have to be in place. If you want to get involved, now is the time to do it!” Häyry said, urging logistics operators to take action.

Starting with existing resources

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Paul Lorck-Olafsen, Vice President, Shipping & Logistics at FREYR stressed the importance of cooperation:

“The entire battery value chain and production chain, starting from logistics and ending with logistics, requires close cooperation, because no player can go it alone. That is why it is important that we meet like this and continue to do so, solving various challenges, looking at material flows and working together to shorten logistics chains.”

Lorck-Olafsen pointed out the importance of the Nordic Battery Belt and battery value chains for the environment, as transporting raw materials from China to Europe and back is not sustainable. According to him, building a gigafactory and logistics chain in the Vaasa green field will support the decarbonization and localization ambition:

"FREYR intend to utilize and further build upon regional existing infrastructure and competencies in developing the most efficient and sustainable logistic solutions for FREYR activities."

No time to waste when planning the logistics

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Joni Lehtinen (on the left in the photo above) and Petri Palo from VR Transpoint presented the company’s logistics services, which run on both rails and roads. VR Transpoint is an important support for industrial companies and also aims to be their strategic partner.

“Time is money. If it takes between 12 and 16 months to start operations, it’s not a lot of time for the strategic planning of logistical connections, but it’s doable,” Palo asserted.

“VR Transpoint has a total of more than 8,000 railway freight carriages in use, consisting of 80 different models. Some models support containers that can be transported both by rail and by truck. We also always try to find local operators and drivers and take into account the safety of the routes.”

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Development Director Riitta Björkenheim was the final presenter of the logistics forum and talked about the plans for an industrial siding planned for the GigaVaasa area:

“It will be 750 metres long, it will have two or three tracks and will cost around EUR 3.5 million,” Björkenheim said, addressing the following specifically at VR Transpoint:

“We hope to have your support in this matter, as well as on the reservation for a future whistle stop, which may be needed in the next phase for passenger transport to the area.”

