
A successful treasure hunt accomplished in Ecuador – This week the Energy Ambassador spends in Brazi


Energy Ambassador Pentti Itkonen spent last week in Ecuador visiting for example the Eden Yuturi oil field, where Wärtsilä, VEO, VAMP and Leinolat Group have a joint project that has updated the oil field. Due to the update the oil field can now make energy from the natural gas that...

Energy Ambassador Pentti Itkonen spent last week in Ecuador visiting for example the Eden Yuturi oil field, where Wärtsilä, VEO, VAMP and Leinolat Group have a joint project that has updated the oil field. Due to the update the oil field can now make energy from the natural gas that comes as a bi product when pumping oil. Since Eden Yuturi is in a very remote area, the energy ambassador was flown there by helicopter. The oil fields staff works two weeks and then they are off for two weeks.

A very remote area doesn’t however mean that it is a boring place: “There are many opportunities for sports in the residential area of the power plant. I had the great opportunity to play soccer with the OGE amigos team. To play soccer in the rainforest was quite an experience and a very sweaty business!” Pentti writes in his blog.

During his two day visit at the oil field the energy ambassador had one important goal in mind: to find as much technology from the Vaasa energy cluster as possible.

“Eden Yuturi is quite a large area, where Wärtsilä has for ten years’ time supplied many plants and plant extensions. There were many buildings to search in. I started my quest from the easier part and I didn’t have to search for long to find Wärtsilä’s house sized engines, pounding day and night producing electricity from a variety of fuels.”

Read Pentti´s blog to find out what else he found during his treasure hunt

Pentti spends this week in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, to see how Wärtilä´s solutions can be implemented both responsibly and successfully into Brazil´s growing ship and offshore markets. The host company for this week’s program is Wärtsilä. In the new Hard Talk -video Juha Kytölä from Wärtsilä presents the company´s business in general, as well as the operations in Brazil which Pentti will familiarize himself with.