
Online visibility for service businesses


You are trying to find a service business provider through the internet. The search engine lists tons of pages with result on your search word but they are located mainly outside your home region. Sounds familiar?

ExpertKnows webYou are trying to find a service business provider through the internet. The search engine lists tons of pages with your search word results but they are located mainly outside your home region. Sounds familiar?

Tom Stenholm from Närpes and many of his friends ran into this problem every now and then. He also found it difficult to find other users’ experiences on previously unknown service businesses in the internet. Little by little he started working on an idea on an easy, local search engine with which both private persons and enterprises could search for service businesses. This is how Jobspin Contact, a search engine that finds your local services, came about.

Tom Stenholm 420pxTom Stenholm believes that Jobspin is useful for both those searching for service and for service providers.

– Jobspin is simple and easy to use for enterprises who wish to become members. When you log in on Jobspin, you fill in your contact information, choose your service categories and if you wish, also write a description on the services that your enterprise offers. You can also attach documents such as brochures, Stenholm says. – The enterprise chooses if it wishes to become a member for 6 or 12 months at a time. The monthly fee is same for all enterprises.

Feedback on service

Jobspin is an affordable marketing channel especially for small service providers, as they can be found more easily through it. It is easy to register your enterprise to the service in the internet, and the monthly fee of 15 euros is not a huge amount of money.

– Especially beginning enterprises that operate locally get online visibility more easily through this service that is offered by an expert organization of Startia, ponders Tommi Virkama at Vaasa Region Enterprise Agency Startia.

In the past few months, a fairly good number of users have used Jobspin for searching for services but Stenholm hopes that more enterprises would find it. A sure way to increase the number of users is to have a larger number of enterprises offering services. Stenholm’s goal is to grow the staff in the near future and in that way be able to advertise Jobspin more efficiently. He also has other plans for developing the online engine.

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In Jobspin, users can search for services by search words and location.

– Jobspin is not a business register. It is aimed at users who wish to search for service, Stenholm reminds.

What makes finding services easier is that users may leave comments on the enterprises’ services in Jobspin. These comments will function as references for member enterprises and also guide new users’ choices.

Jobspin is thoroughly created in the Ostrobothnian region: the search program on which the service is based on is also designed by an Ostrobothnian enterprise.



Text and photos: Johanna Haveri
Translation: VASEK

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