
An accounting firm is a business owner’s strategic partner

Many business owners who are just starting out are uncertain about how best to handle their company’s financial affairs. Should they outsource their bookkeeping and calculation of salaries or do it themselves? Should they adopt bookkeeping and invoicing software or settle for the traditional paper version at first?

ExpertKnows webMany business owners who are just starting out are uncertain about how best to handle their company’s financial affairs. Should they outsource their bookkeeping and calculation of salaries or do it themselves? Should they adopt bookkeeping and invoicing software or settle for the traditional paper version at first?

“An accounting firm saves a business owner valuable time, because it allows them to focus on their core know-how, while the expert accounting firm takes care of their company's accounts," says Jan Lundberg, Head of the Korsholm and Vörå offices of the Norlic accounting firm.

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Norlic’s skilled staff at their Korsholm office look after their clients’ financial and payroll administration.

He explains that an accounting firm can help a business owner in many ways besides keeping them updated about their company's financial situation. At best, a skilful accountant is the business owner and their company’s strategic partner who helps their customer to succeed even more than before.

Updated expertise

Norlic, whose head office is in Jakobstad, is one of the largest accounting firms in Finland. They employ about 100 people in their 10 offices.

“In Korsholm and Vörå, we have a total of 20 employees, some of them accountants and some wages clerks. Our experts’ combined experience in financial administration amounts to hundreds of years in total, which means our expertise is very strong. This, and our staff’s continuous further training guarantee that our clients get the competent, expert service they need,” Lundberg says.


JanLundberg 400pxJan Lundberg emphasises that the relationship between a bookkeeper and their client is based on trust.

Naturally, as a large accounting firm, Norlic has a broad client base representing numerous lines of business. For example, there are over a hundred fur breeders among the company’s clients. That is why it is easy for Norlic to perform benchmarking for a single client by comparing their figures with the industry’s average.

“Although we are a large company, our local offices are close to our clients and we are easy to approach. Each client is assigned their own designated contact person who serves them every time. This also makes it easier to build a relationship of trust,” Lundberg explains.


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Norlic’s own IT department has created several excellent electronic solutions that also work on mobile devices. One great example is the Norlic Ontime employee time tracking system.

On the client's terms

Lundberg considers it extremely important that an accountant listens to the client and offers them exactly the kind of services they need. Although Norlic’s expertise in electronic bookkeeping, calculation of salaries and time tracking is strong, their clients are not pressed to adopt them if they prefer more traditional methods. What suits one company may not work for another.

talgraf report 400A good accountant knows how to present a company’s financial figures in such a way that they are easy for a business owner to understand. Norlic offers your electronic bookkeeping system graphic presentation methods that are easy to read.

“We always serve our clients on their terms and carry out accurate financial administration to provide our clients with the best possible preconditions for decision making,” he says. “We take care of our clients’ financial and payroll administration and advise them both as a company representative and a private person within the framework of the law.”


Good service by an accounting firm is

• up-to-date
• easy to use
• quick
• efficient
• precise
• constantly improving
• automatic



Text: Johanna Haveri
Photos: Norlic, Johanna Haveri
Translation: Taina Pemberton


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