
Research, technology and know-how in the gas industry


The Vaasa Gas Exchange Exhibition and Seminar was held on 17 March for the first time as part of Vaasa EnergyWeek. Representative of the organisers, Teemu Närvä from the Vaasa Energy Institute, was extremely happy with the event, as all the seats in the seminar hall were already booked during advance registration and Vaasa City Hall’s assembly room had more exhibitors than expected.

Merja Kyllonen 600pxMEP Merja Kyllönen

The Vaasa Gas Exchange Exhibition and Seminar was held on 17 March for the first time as part of Vaasa EnergyWeek. Representative of the organisers, Teemu Närvä from the Vaasa Energy Institute, was extremely happy with the event, as all the seats in the seminar hall were already booked during advance registration and Vaasa City Hall’s assembly room had more exhibitors than expected.

The first speaker was Member of the European Parliament Merja Kyllönen, whose speech convinced the audience that now is the time for Finland to take action and lead Europe towards a smart and sustainable energy system.

“New forms of energy must enable safe housing, transport and industry. Neither must we forget ordinary people and just focus on industry and the needs of big business,” Kyllönen said.

“Consumers are not stupid and the social media gives everyone the opportunity to find more and more information and to demand better solutions.

“The reconstruction of the subsidy system is key, and nothing new will happen in the world of energy until this has been taken care of. The reallocation of subsidies to renewable energy forms is particularly important. There has to be a change of attitudes here.”

Kyllönen emphasised that the improvement of old forms of energy must not be forgotten and these must also include fossil fuels. But she conceded that this would not take place overnight.

Kyllönen stated that sometimes it looks as if taking things forward is a matter of attitude. This is not a problem in the Vaasa region she said, and cited the research performed here. She also commended the way the possibilities offered by collaboration have been understood and taken advantage of in the region.

As a politician, Kyllönen promised to plead the case of renewable energy sources in the world and to leave their development and implementation to us.

“Nothing will happen unless we have the courage to make the first move. Now is the time to take action!”

Rasmus Valanko 600pxRasmus Valanko

Manager Rasmus Valanko from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) described a vision of the 9 billion people in the world living well on existing natural resources by 2050. He is a realist, however, and mentioned that carbon-rich countries with poor living standards cannot be expected to switch to other forms of energy very quickly. Valanko reminded his audience that, in addition to the climate, discourses about energy must also address the issue of air quality, which is particularly important in cities.

Speakers Mathias Jansson, Niko Ristikankare, Johan Saarela and Seppo Niemi added more local perspectives to the day’s discussion about gas. Jansson described how Wärtsilä has developed its LNG technology from a strategy to a growing business. Ristikankare presented the case of LNG Vaasa, and Saarela talked about the local waste management company Stormossen’s biogas production. Seppo Niemi from the University of Vaasa illuminated the abbreviation VEBIC, i.e. the Vaasa Energy Business Innovation Centre.

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To read more about the seminar, go to the University of Vaasa’s website (in Finnish)


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