
The Energy Ambassador applicants have 300 years of international experience


Press release May 13th 2013

Press release May 13th 2013

The application time for Finland´s hottest job within the field of energy has run out. The top 15 applicants have been chosen to further compete to be in the final phase of the recruitment process. The wide audience can participate in the selection of the final top five through the campaign pages. The chosen Energy Ambassador has to be genuinely interested in energy technology, internationally experienced and master the social media. The person chosen to the Energy Ambassador position will be published on June 18th.

The recruitment process has been followed actively in the social media; the campaign reached as many as 350 000 weekly followers. The Energy Ambassador position was applied by a total of 229 persons who have a broad international experience and a great variety of language skills. The Energy Vaasa team is pleased with the large amount of high-class applications. Several applicants would perfectly represent the Finnish cleantech expertise all around the world. Majority of the applicants have lived several years abroad and gained international experience through work, studies and leisure. Combined the Energy Ambassador applicants have lived abroad 300 years in as many as 73 different countries.

Technology inspires the Finns and the Vaasa region is known for having expertise in sustainable energy production and energy efficiency. The Finnish cleantech business has all the necessary resources to grow on the global energy technology market.

The person chosen for the Energy Ambassador position will travel to more than ten countries to study energy technology innovations that have been developed or manufactured in Finland. The Energy Ambassador will share his/her experiences through videos and a blog. The Ambassador tells where the technologies are applied, how they affect people’s lives and the environment in the different countries.

For more information:



Suvi Markko
Communications Manager
Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK
phone +358 50 534 1911

Robert Olander
Marketing Director
Technology Center Merinova
phone +358 40 743 4647