
Global startups, some with millions of euros of financing, applied to EnergySpin


The second program of the EnergySpin Enterprise Accelerator, which starts in Vaasa in April, received 120 applications. Over 90 per cent of the applications were sent outside of Finland.

CJ0B1212 markokoski webMarko Koski, Head of EnergySpin.

The second program of the EnergySpin Enterprise Accelerator, which starts in Vaasa in April, received 120 applications. Over 90 per cent of the applications were sent outside of Finland.

The applications came from 43 different countries from Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and South America. Among the applicants are for example startup companies who work with battery technologies and future energy solutions.

– Vaasa region’s expertise in energy sector has had lots of publicity for example through Vaasa Gigafactory project, which certainly has made EnergySpin more popular, says Marko Koski, Head of EnergySpin.

Accelerator for growth companies in energy business

The EnergySpin accelerator is meant for startup and growth companies in energy business seeking strong international growth. The companies that applied are startups in energy business and in fields linked to the energy sector, such as digitalization, IoT, AI, cybersecurity, big data and gamification.

Among the applicants, more than 10 companies have raised over million euros of funding. Therefore, the companies who applied to the accelerator program have even better chances to grow their business and cooperate with EnergySpin partner companies.

– Some of the applicants are companies that try to achieve millions of euros of revenue for this year. The companies are ready to grow quickly and become international. We believe the cooperation between participants and partners is even more profitable, and both the companies and the partners will benefit, says Koski.

The accelerator will start in Vaasa this spring

Based on their applications, twenty startup companies are invited to Vaasa for selection days. During the selection days, the startup entrepreneurs will meet the mentors and partners of the accelerator. The mentors represent different business fields and they have solid experience in driving energy and growth companies to global success. The partners of the accelerator are global business leaders in energy sector and professionals of digitalisation.

During the selection days, 10 startups will be chosen to participate in the program starting in April. The ten-week-long Accelerator programme includes company-specific training for business growth planning, product development, commercialization, marketing and communications, and especially financing.

More information:

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liitonlogo kaksikielineni300RGB The EnergySpin Accelerator and its operations are partnered by leading energy companies, such as Danfoss, Wärtsilä, Yaskawa/The Switch, Vaasan Sähkö, the EC, Elisa, Tieto, Viria, Citec and VNT Management. EnergySpin operations are centred in one of the leading energy clusters in the world, EnergyVaasa.
Starting the Accelerator is included in the City of Vaasa’s growth agreement with the Finnish Government, and the Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK and Technology Centre Merinova are working in collaboration to implement it. The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia is also involved.