
Employed means a person who is in paid employment and is not an unemployed jobseeker or performing military or civilian service.

Unemployed means a person who is registered as a jobseeker at the TE Office and who has no employment relationship and is not employed in business or in his or her own job. Unemployed people also include those who are laid off and people whose regular weekly working time is less than four hours. Full-time students are not counted as unemployed. Schoolchildren, students and those in employment services or recipients of an unemployment pension are not considered unemployed.

The labour force includes persons who are either employed or unemployed. The Employment Service Statistics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland are used as a source. There are some differences between the employment figures of Statistics Finland and Employment Service Statistics. MEAE’s figures are based on the data in the customer registers of TE offices whereas Statistics Finland's unemployment figures are based on a sample-based labour force survey.

Job vacancies and new job vacancies. Job vacancies are the number of existing vacancies reported, while new vacancies are the number of new vacancies reported during the statistical reference month. The vacancies and new vacancies are based on the number of open and new vacancies reported to the Employment and Economic Development Offices.

NOTE! The so-called ‘official’ employment and unemployment rates are reported on the basis of the labour force survey (the most recent figures are reported in the sample survey only at the regional and national level). The unemployment rate of the total population is calculated as a percentage of the unemployed aged 15–74 in the labour force of the same age. The employment rate of the total population is calculated as the percentage of employed persons aged 15–64 in the population of the same age.

Youth unemployment. Youth unemployed is those unemployed under the age of 25. The youth unemployment rate means the percentage of those unemployed under the age of 25 in the labour force of the same age.

Long-term unemployment. The indicator includes those who have been unemployed jobseekers for at least one year. The share of the long-term unemployed is presented as a percentage of the unemployed.

Commuting. Commuting refers to working outside one's own municipality of residence. Net commuting refers to the difference between people working outside the municipality and people coming to work from elsewhere in the municipality.

Workplace self-sufficiency. Workplace self-sufficiency indicates the ratio between the number of people working in the area and the employed labour force living in the area.