
The number of jobs. The indicator shows the number of people working in the area which at the same time describes the number of jobs in this area.

The number of industrial jobs. The indicator shows the number of persons working in the area in industry C (Industrial jobs).

The total number of establishments. The indicator shows the total number of enterprises established in the region. The data is based on Statistics Finland's Register of Enterprises and Establishments. The material includes the establishments of businesses that are subject to VAT and / or as employers, private traders and non-profit organisations. Farms that act as employers are included in the agricultural economy.

Stock of enterprises. Stock of enterprises refers to cross-sectional data on the total number of active enterprises at a given point in time. The number of enterprises is influenced by fluctuations in the availability of information about enterprise start-ups and closures. Data on this is published in the Business Register statistics on enterprise start-ups and closures.

Enterprise openings and closures (Statistics Finland). Statistics on enterprise openings and closures have been compiled by extracting the data from Statistics Finland's Register of Enterprises and Establishments and the registration data of the Tax Administration at the time of publication.

The turnover of enterprises. The indicator describes the total turnover of enterprises on an annual basis. The turnover of the establishments of enterprises/person (EUR 1 000).

The personnel of the establishments of enterprises (person-hour). The indicator shows the total number of employees in enterprises. The number includes employees as well as entrepreneurs. Employed personnel have been converted into full-time employees so that, for example, a half-time employee corresponds to half a person and two half-year employees correspond to one full-time employee.

Exports. The indicator shows the value of the goods exported from the region. The regional statistics on international trade in goods are based on data tracking the value of exports and imports provided by enterprises engaged in international trade. In addition to manufacturing, the statistics include all other industries, such as wholesale, retail and car trade, mining and construction, re-exporting enterprises and trade in goods by enterprises in the service industries. International trade in services is not included in the statistics.

Gross domestic product. The indicator shows the market price output of the region's domestic production units at market prices per capita. Gross domestic product at current prices measures total production which includes all goods and services produced during a given period. The number is obtained from Statistics Finland only at the regional level.

Expenditure on research and development (R&D). The indicator shows the total expenditure on research and development. Expenditure is declared net of value added tax (VAT). This includes operating expenses and capitalised items in the balance sheet during the statistical year. R&D expenditure is reported separately as the sum of enterprises and the sum of the public sector and universities.