Sustainability and low carbon footprint are rapidly becoming a prerequisite for running a business. In assessing companies' competitiveness, measures that promote energy efficiency and the company's ability to invest in new sustainable energy solutions are becoming increasingly important.

On this page, we have collected materials on various measures that promote the energy efficiency of the enterprise. Download the material, familiarize yourself with the information and contact us. Together we can plan a more energy efficient and profitable future for your business!

The materials on this page are in Finnish


Bright prospects for the company with solar energy

It is estimated that a solar power plant reduces the company's energy consumption by about 20 to 25 percent, so it can be said that a solar power plant is one of the most profitable energy efficiency investments a company can make. A high-quality and well-designed solar power plant can serve a company's property for up to decades. Corporate rooftop power plants often achieve a return on investment of up to 20%.

More solar power plants are being installed than ever and solar power plants are also increasing in size in Finland. They are installed not only on roofs, but also on plots. Alongside renewable electricity, there is also a focus on flexibility and balancing consumption.

Financing for energy efficiency measures

  • The financial information service operated by Motiva (in Finnish) gathers information on grants and subsidies for energy efficiency improvement and renovation construction for companies and municipalities as well as residential real estate, as well as various forms of financing

Finnvera can grant a climate and environment loan to help Finnish SMEs make an investment to green and sustainable transition. This loan is suitable for SMEs that promote, for example, the use of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, the use of environmentally sustainable materials, the transition to a circular economy or a low-emission economy. Climate and environmental loans can be granted, for example, for investments.

Contact us

  • Contact us and book an appointment. Let's go through the situation in your company together, consider appropriate measures and find out the possibilities for obtaining financing.


Antti Alasaari
Business Advisor
Antti Alasaari

- Running companies, changes in ownership
- Regional responsibility: Laihia, Isokyrö

Olav Nylund
Business Advisor
Olav Nylund

- Running companies, new entrepreneurs, changes of ownership
- Regional responsibility: Malax, Vörå




Botnia High 12
Profitability from energy efficiency project

The main goal of the project is to create an energy consulting service concept that will be used in business development in the future and to increase companies' awareness of how to promote energy efficiency and what support opportunities are available for green transition measures and investments.