Corporate responsibility encompasses economic, social, and environmental aspects. It is not only the privilege of large corporations but equally important for micro and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs).

Embracing responsibility provides a competitive edge, enhances the company's reputation, and builds trust among customers and employees. In practice, this means operating honestly and transparently, taking care of employees and the environment, and promoting community well-being. A responsible company is an attractive employer and business partner, laying a strong foundation for sustainable business.

Below are the key areas of responsibility that every company should consider.

Environmental responsibility

  • Energy Consumption: Reduce energy consumption and use renewable energy whenever possible.
  • Waste Reduction: Recycle and minimize waste in both production processes and office environments.
  • Sustainable Procurement: Choose environmentally friendly and sustainable raw materials and suppliers.
  • Emission Reduction: Minimize carbon emissions and other environmentally harmful pollutants.

Social responsibility

  • Working Conditions and Employee Rights: Provide safe and healthy working conditions, fair wages, and respect employees' rights.
  • Diversity and Equality: Promote equality and diversity in the workplace. Ensure equal opportunities for everyone.
  • Community Support: Participate in and support the local community, for example, through partnerships with organizations or local schools.
  • Training and Development: Offer training and development opportunities for employees to support their career growth.

Economic responsibility

  • Transparency and Honesty: Operate transparently and honestly in all business areas, including accounting and reporting.
  • Sustainable Business Practices: Ensure that business practices are sustainable and responsible.
  • Customer Relationships: Build and maintain trustworthy and honest customer relationships, listen to customer feedback, and respond appropriately.

Responsible leadership

  • Leadership and Governance: Good governance and leadership are key to promoting responsibility. Leaders should set an example and commit to responsibility.
  • Risk Management: Assess and manage business risks that could impact the company's responsibility.
  • Communication and Reporting: Communicate responsibility efforts clearly and openly to stakeholders and the public.

Promoting corporate responsibility requires consistent and long-term effort, but it brings many benefits.

Malkamaki Hanna IMG 8179 rajattu
Project manager, sustainable development & circular economy
Hanna Malkamäki
- Sustainable Ostrobothnia as a Forerunner project
pexels mac mullins 2534492
Sustainable Ostrobothnia as a Forerunner project

In this project, we aim to create the conditions for a competitive, attractive and sustainable Ostrobothnia, focusing particularly on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that will feel the effects of these new requirements in the near future. The goal is to primarily assist small and medium-sized enterprises, including those that currently operate as subcontractors for larger and more advanced companies.