
Lissu Online Business Plan – entrepreneur’s best tool


The Lissu Online Business Plan for beginning entrepreneurs has been thoroughly revised. It is now both content-wise and visually easier to use for beginning entrepreneurs and business advisors commenting the business plans. The Online Business Plan is available at

The Lissu Online Business Plan for beginning entrepreneurs has been thoroughly revised. It is now both content-wise and visually easier to use for beginning entrepreneurs and business advisors commenting the business plans. The Online Business Plan is available at

– We have paid attention to feedback from our clients, says Tommi Virkama, Startia’s Manager. – The technology is new, and all texts and calculations have been revised and improved.

Lissu Startia Interface 2 400pxAll persons planning to start a business who come to Startia for advice receive a personal user name and password to the new Lissu. It helps the users to organize their thoughts around starting a business and to write a business plan. It also offers the opportunity to discuss online the business idea and plans with Startia’s business advisors. The online service allows the user also to communicate with representatives of other organizations involved in the plan-making process. A business plan is mandatory when applying for a startup grant or loans.

– The new service is wonderfully interactive and it guarantees that no beginning entrepreneurs are left alone with their business ideas, guarantees Virkama.

The new Online Business Plan has been created in collaboration with the other Enterprise Agencies in the Ostrobothnian region. It is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Now also for existing businesses

The previous Lissu Online Business Plan was directed at persons who were planning to start a business. With the new and improved version, entrepreneurs with existing enterprises may also use the program. It offers them a tool for planning business operations further as well as for follow-up and preparing for owner change.Lissu Startia Interface 1 400px

– The service enables a natural continuation for keeping your business plan up to date and for keeping regular contact with your business advisor. After all, our goal is apart from helping to start up viable enterprises in the region, to take care of them as well!

If you do not yet have a user name and a password to the new Online Business Plan, please contact your personal business advisor.


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