
Innovative energy companies awarded at EnergyWeek


EnergyVaasa’s Communications & Brand Manager Hanna Alavillamo invites energy companies to put their energy innovations forward for the Energy & Innovation Awards competition. The award ceremony will take place in Vaasa during EnergyWeek, which runs from the 19th to the 23rd March 2018. This is the first time the competition is taking place.

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EnergyVaasa’s Communications & Brand Manager Hanna Alavillamo invites energy companies to put their energy innovations forward for the Energy & Innovation Awards competition. The award ceremony will take place in Vaasa during EnergyWeek, which runs from the 19th to the 23rd March 2018. This is the first time the competition is taking place.

“Energy companies and other parties are invited to put forward projects they have implemented during 2016 and 2017,” Alavillamo says. “Some companies may have had several innovative projects or ones that have had a significantly positive effect on the environment or society, for example. We hope they will participate in the competition with all of them, as you can propose several cases.”

“The competition categories are: Digitalisation, Sustainability, the Storing and Switching of Energy, and the Future of Energy,” she continues. “The Jury will select the winner from all the participants and, of course, the public will have their say with the Public’s Favourite Award."

The Jury of the Energy & Innovation Awards competition consists of EnergyWeek’s main sponsors, i.e. representatives of Vaasan Sähkö, ABB, Wärtsilä, VEO and Wapice, Manager of the VEBIC laboratory, Krish Shankaran, and other representatives of academic research institutes.

All the cases that make it to the finals will be collected into the Energy & Innovation Awards catalogue which will be distributed to all EnergyWeek visitors throughout the week.

“We want to hear about real-life cases that are ‘saving the world’ and other success stories, whether they were implemented in grand scale or involved a smaller magnitude,” Alavillamo explains. “The public, the press and collaboration partners will be interested to see what special and original innovations are continuously generated in this field and what a huge impact they have, for example on slowing down climate change, reducing air pollution, cutting down energy consumption or even creating new businesses and employment opportunities.”

The organisers intend to make the competition a recurring event.

“This is an international competition, and we hope that companies will challenge their partners and competitors to join in. We expect to see as large a spectrum of both startups and larger, more established companies as possible from the Vaasa region, all over Finland and from the rest of the world.
“After all, the EnergyVaasa cluster includes some great world-class companies with world-class innovations, which is why I hope and expect to see many local projects among the finalists,” Alavillamo concludes.


Participating in the Energy & Innovation Awards competition

Competition rules

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