
EnergySpin started to spin – ”The best part is to work with the experts in the field”


The EnergySpin Business Accelerator program has successfully started developing startup companies in the energy sector.

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The first part of the programme called Product Excellence, lasting a bit more than two weeks, started off the accelerator programme of this autumn.

 The EnergySpin Business Accelerator program has successfully started developing startup companies in the energy sector. The accelerator programme gives startup companies support in growth and better chances of finding new business opportunities.

The first part of the programme called Product Excellence, lasting a bit more than two weeks, started off the accelerator programme of this autumn. During the first part, the startup companies participating in the business accelerator have refined the value proposition of their product.
– Value proposition means how a product can give more value to a customer, says Marko Kuokkanen, EnergySpin Key Account Manager.
The startups have received experts’ tips on marketing, brand building and investment activities. They have also presented their products to other entrepreneurs participating in the programme, and the other entrepreneurs have given valuable comments on the future.

Advice from the Accelerator are applied to business

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Erik Parsons (photo Sami Pulkkinen)


Erik Parsons from EnergySolaris is one of the participants of the business accelerator. He has been very happy with the first weeks’ programme:
- The first part was all about Product Excellence from the customer perspective, helping us clarify our value proposition to address the real needs of customers. This is the 'right way around': only when you truly understand the need, does it make sense to dive deep on product features, design and engineering.

– The best part has been working with experienced experts in the energy sector, like representatives of the partner companies and other startup entrepreneurs. During the programme, we have contemplated the future of energy sector, which has given us a way to develop the business of our own, continues Parsons.

According to Marko Koski, the Head of EnergySpin, it has been interesting to get acquainted with the different business ideas and drive them forward.
– The startup entrepreneurs work here for their company. The advice you get from the accelerator are easy to put into practice in your business, says Koski.

The second part of the accelerator named Go to Market will start on October 31st.


Photos: VASEK & Sami Pulkkinen

The operations of the EnergySpin Accelerator are funded and supported by the energy cluster’s partner companies Danfoss, Wärtsilä, Yaskawa/The Switch, Vaasan Sähkö, EY, Elisa, Tieto, Viria, Citec and VNT Management. Starting the Accelerator is included in the City of Vaasa’s growth agreement with the Finnish Government, and the Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK and Technology Centre Merinova are working in collaboration to implement it. The city of Vaasa and The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia are also involved.

More information: [contact_member,name=Marko Koski,id=18,details=Name-Designation-Phone-Email-MemberPhoto]


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