
City logistics as the object of study in Jaakko Hakala's thesis


Engineer Jaakko Hakala's thesis within the degree program of logistics, Future of city logistics and electric traffic in Vaasa, was completed at the end of 2021. Hakala, born in Vaasa, studied at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences and focused his research on exploring the future possibilities of city logistics and electric traffic in Vaasa.

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Engineer Jaakko Hakala's thesis within the degree program of logistics, Future of city logistics and electric traffic in Vaasa, was completed at the end of 2021. Hakala, born in Vaasa, studied at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences and focused his research on exploring the future possibilities of city logistics and electric traffic in Vaasa.

VASEK ordered the thesis, and Matias Båsk, the logistics expert and project manager for the MoveIT project (until 31 December 2021), mapped out suitable interviewees for the work and guided the process.

– VASEK commissioned a thesis because the subject is important and interesting within both corporate and regional development. The subject is topical, and there are a lot of fast changes in the field. We thought it was important that this logistics area should be considered a little more than just at the desk, and the thesis was an excellent channel, Båsk says.

The objectives of the work were set with the help of interviews to identify development opportunities for more environmentally friendly transport in the Vaasa city area. Interviews were conducted with nine different people working on the college side, logistics companies or in the public sector. People who work or have competence in logistics, transport infrastructure or passenger traffic were selected as respondents.

Creating opportunities for new innovations

IMG 2723 Jaakko Hakala

Based on the interview results, there is no need or demand for considerable changes in the development of city logistics at this time. For minor changes, such as parking spaces for delivery traffic, there could be a need instead. It would be easy to test parking spaces for distribution traffic, especially short-term, and collect experiences.

The new electronic supply fleet would want to be piloted in Vaasa, and the knowledge of electrical engineering in Vaasa would definitely support it. From this, local businesses could borrow the idea. At the moment, there is no need for significant changes, but it is good that they have now even been sorted out for the future. When considering electronic supply solutions, it is good to think that from where in the world a model is being sought for answers and what new solutions can be introduced here in Vaasa and across Finland, given the legislative and climatic aspects, Hakala explains.

– The thesis is part of important background mapping and gives a good sense of both the current situation in Vaasa and the development opportunities and challenges. The work surveyed the current needs of companies, but we also need to look ahead and create opportunities for new innovations. Beyond that, it is pleasing to see that logistics, both a subject and a field, are attractive to young people. The thesis is a great way to experiment with the theory in practice in your region and get to know local actors, says logistics expert Anna Måtts-Fransén.

